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The problem here is that I think the full-hard disk install of Yuri's Revenge doesn't actually set a unique serial in the system registry. Red alert 2 random serial number class 2000 2082328892. [edit] If the 'Serial' field does not exist, right click, select 'New' -> 'String value', rename it to 'Serial', and then edit it and type anything you want in there, and make sure it's different on the two PCs. To solve this issue, you need to start regedit (just type it in the start menu), go through the tree to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE SOFTWARE Wow6432Node Westwood Yuri's Revenge (for RA2, the key name is 'Red Alert 2'), and find and modify the ' Serial' value in there.

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Less than a process into the tough growth catalyst and we are just substituting ' HD Fits ' of glasses. WMuMrHl3Q2PAC BETTER DAYZ LYRICS ON SCREENA GREAT SONG FROM TUPAC SHAKUR.

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The problem here is that I think the full-hard disk install of Yuri's Revenge doesn't actually set a unique serial in the system registry. Red alert 2 random serial number class 2000 2082328892. [edit] If the 'Serial' field does not exist, right click, select 'New' -> 'String value', rename it to 'Serial', and then edit it and type anything you want in there, and make sure it's different on the two PCs. To solve this issue, you need to start regedit (just type it in the start menu), go through the tree to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE SOFTWARE Wow6432Node Westwood Yuri's Revenge (for RA2, the key name is 'Red Alert 2'), and find and modify the ' Serial' value in there.

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