
Lua Read Write Serial Port


I thought since I can write to it in the same way as I would write to a file that I could read it in the same way as I would read a file. But when I try to read it (using the code below) I just end up in an infinite loop. Lua Serial Port Introduction. This project implements a Serial Port module for Lua. It currently only supports Linux, and requires LuaJIT FFI.

Rs232 = require( 'luars232 ') -- Linux -- port_name = '/dev/ttyS0' -- (Open)BSD -- port_name = '/dev/cua00' -- Windows port_name = 'COM1 ' local out = io. Stderr -- open port local e, p = rs232. Open(port_name) if e ~= rs232. RS232_ERR_NOERROR then -- handle error out: write( string.format( 'can't open serial port '%s', error: '%s' n ', port_name, rs232. Error_tostring(e))) return end -- set port settings assert(p: set_baud_rate(rs232. RS232_BAUD_115200) == rs232. RS232_ERR_NOERROR) assert(p: set_data_bits(rs232.


RS232_DATA_8) == rs232. RS232_ERR_NOERROR) assert(p: set_parity(rs232. RS232_PARITY_NONE) == rs232. RS232_ERR_NOERROR) assert(p: set_stop_bits(rs232. RS232_STOP_1) == rs232. RS232_ERR_NOERROR) assert(p: set_flow_control(rs232.

RS232_FLOW_OFF) == rs232. RS232_ERR_NOERROR) out: write( string.format( 'OK, port open with values '%s' n ', tostring(p))) -- read with timeout local read_len = 1 -- read one byte local timeout = 100 -- in miliseconds local err, data_read, size = p: read(read_len, timeout) assert(e == rs232. RS232_ERR_NOERROR) -- write without timeout err, len_written = p: write( 'test ') assert(e == rs232. Pdf handbook of biofertilizers and microbial pesticides pdf download. RS232_ERR_NOERROR) -- write with timeout 100 msec err, len_written = p: write( 'test n ', timeout) assert(e == rs232. RS232_ERR_NOERROR) -- close assert(p: close() == rs232. RS232_ERR_NOERROR) • Copy lines • Copy permalink • Go.

A Lua library for the Arduino written in C This is using the POSIX library which should work on oUNIX environments. Using this library you'll be able to send and receive data from the Arduino. See the arduinotest.lua and arduinotest.ino for an example of sending data to the arduino and then receiving the data back.

Download coldplay a sky full of stars instrumental lyrics. Code derived from requirements • Lua 5.1.x build tcc -shared -llua serial.c -o serial.so TO USE Require the library: local serial = require('serial') Open a connection to an arduino (port is the filedescriptor, msg is error if failed to open) port, msg = serial.open('/dev/tty.usbserial-A600agDn', 9600) if port==-1 then error('Unable to open port - error: '.msg) end Write a string (c is number of bytes written, msg is error if failed) c, msg = serial.write(port, 'hello') if c.


Lua Read Write Serial Port


I thought since I can write to it in the same way as I would write to a file that I could read it in the same way as I would read a file. But when I try to read it (using the code below) I just end up in an infinite loop. Lua Serial Port Introduction. This project implements a Serial Port module for Lua. It currently only supports Linux, and requires LuaJIT FFI.

Rs232 = require( 'luars232 ') -- Linux -- port_name = '/dev/ttyS0' -- (Open)BSD -- port_name = '/dev/cua00' -- Windows port_name = 'COM1 ' local out = io. Stderr -- open port local e, p = rs232. Open(port_name) if e ~= rs232. RS232_ERR_NOERROR then -- handle error out: write( string.format( 'can't open serial port '%s', error: '%s' n ', port_name, rs232. Error_tostring(e))) return end -- set port settings assert(p: set_baud_rate(rs232. RS232_BAUD_115200) == rs232. RS232_ERR_NOERROR) assert(p: set_data_bits(rs232.


RS232_DATA_8) == rs232. RS232_ERR_NOERROR) assert(p: set_parity(rs232. RS232_PARITY_NONE) == rs232. RS232_ERR_NOERROR) assert(p: set_stop_bits(rs232. RS232_STOP_1) == rs232. RS232_ERR_NOERROR) assert(p: set_flow_control(rs232.

RS232_FLOW_OFF) == rs232. RS232_ERR_NOERROR) out: write( string.format( 'OK, port open with values '%s' n ', tostring(p))) -- read with timeout local read_len = 1 -- read one byte local timeout = 100 -- in miliseconds local err, data_read, size = p: read(read_len, timeout) assert(e == rs232. RS232_ERR_NOERROR) -- write without timeout err, len_written = p: write( 'test ') assert(e == rs232. Pdf handbook of biofertilizers and microbial pesticides pdf download. RS232_ERR_NOERROR) -- write with timeout 100 msec err, len_written = p: write( 'test n ', timeout) assert(e == rs232. RS232_ERR_NOERROR) -- close assert(p: close() == rs232. RS232_ERR_NOERROR) • Copy lines • Copy permalink • Go.

A Lua library for the Arduino written in C This is using the POSIX library which should work on oUNIX environments. Using this library you'll be able to send and receive data from the Arduino. See the arduinotest.lua and arduinotest.ino for an example of sending data to the arduino and then receiving the data back.

Download coldplay a sky full of stars instrumental lyrics. Code derived from requirements • Lua 5.1.x build tcc -shared -llua serial.c -o serial.so TO USE Require the library: local serial = require('serial') Open a connection to an arduino (port is the filedescriptor, msg is error if failed to open) port, msg = serial.open('/dev/tty.usbserial-A600agDn', 9600) if port==-1 then error('Unable to open port - error: '.msg) end Write a string (c is number of bytes written, msg is error if failed) c, msg = serial.write(port, 'hello') if c.